Expansion Joint Sealing

One of our areas of expertise at SS Seal Sydney is expansion joint sealing. It is used to seal cracks and joints in both commercial and domestic applications, including as bridges and roads, factories, warehouses, walls, and flooring, to improve durability and waterproofing.

  • Controlling moisture
  • Preventing water leak
  • Managing high traffic movement 
Expansion Joint Sealing

Fire-Rated Expansion Joints

To enhance the fire protection and avoid the spread of it

Industrial application

It follows industry standard

Color matching

By this feature you can improve the consistency of the colors


Building a strong barrier to keep water damage

Expansion Joint Sealing

Understanding and need for expansion joint sealing

Sealing of the expansion joints on concrete structures is highly important. The joints in concrete provide for thermal variations and loads that may cause movements to a structure without the development of cracks and increase life expectancy using an expansion joint sealant for concrete. The expansion joint sealing process prevents water intrusion by using a waterproof concrete joint sealant. This reduces maintenance costs and provides additional durability. Joint sealants in construction help the property owner protect their investment from expensive repairs by using the right expansion joint sealant material.

What are expansion joints, and why should we seal them?

Concrete expansion joints allow for thermal expansion and contraction due to temperature changes and moisture. Using an expansion joint sealant for concrete prevents infiltration of water and debris, which can be very harmful to the structure. These expansion joints can be found in sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, industrial floors, bridges, highways, and buildings, all with one purpose: to reinforce the structure supporting a large load and constant use. Sealing such expansion joints, correctly sealed joints retain their integrity against expansive or contractive forces, maintained by a waterproof concrete joint sealant to prevent water intrusion or soil erosion. Joint sealants in construction enhance durability, reduce maintenance costs, and extend concrete surface life; hence, sealing with the right expansion joint sealant material is a cost-effective long-term investment for any property owner.

Signs and Process of Sealing Expansion Joints

Proper maintenance of expansion joints is essential for concrete life and safety. Using an expansion joint sealant for concrete is crucial in this maintenance. If one could not identify the damage and determine how the expansion joint sealing process is being carried out, then more serious problems would arise. Such damage would affect in the form of cracks in the concrete near joints, gaps between concrete slabs, and water damage or erosion next to joints. Employing a waterproof concrete joint sealant and the right expansion joint sealant material are key components of joint sealants in construction to prevent these issues.

Steps to Sealing the Process:

  Investing in proper sealing techniques ensures concrete remains hard, safe, and good-looking.

  1. Regular Inspections:
  • Observe when joints need attention.
  • Water damage and structural weaknesses should be identified in their infancy.
  1. Preparing the Joint:
  • Cleaning the joints of rubble, dust, or old sealant.
  • Preparing and making the surface ready to apply new sealant.
  1. Sealant Type:
  • A sealant provides the required flexibility and durability.
  • Resist some environmental conditions.
  1. Applying the Sealant:
  • Apply sealant to be even and smooth
  • Fill the joints to their capacity for full protection.

Benefits of Proper Sealing

  • improvises concrete structure
  • prevents penetration of water and debris
  • Reduces trip hazard
  • Improves concrete appearance

Professional Services and Maintenance

This would involve relevant professional services in effectively sealing and maintaining expansion joints. Even though DIY methods may appear cheap, professionals use the right expansion joint sealant for concrete and have experience with the unique challenges of different types of expansion joints. Routine professional maintenance, including the use of waterproof concrete joint sealant, will elongate concrete life and solve issues quickly before they become big problems, saving time, and money, and potentially avoiding headaches. Professionals create robust seals using high-quality expansion joint sealant material and precise techniques to resist environmental stresses. They can also handle the expansion joint sealing process for older joints, advising that joints be sealed annually. Additionally, professionals guide how often you should seal joints.

Our Projects

Here are some examples of our recent concrete joint sealing projects, showcasing the quality and precision we bring to every job.

Customer Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions 

Yes, proper preparation and correct materials enable the sealing of old expansion joints. The process entails cleaning up the joints with an entirely appropriate new sealant.
As a general rule, expansion joints should be sealed yearly, depending on their use and the character of the concrete surface.
This can be evidenced by visible cracks and gaps between the slabs and water damage or erosion near joints. This indicates that joints structurally need to be sealed.

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